hanya belajar ngeblok

Edit template

Jumat, 22 Februari 2008 | Label: | |

As a newbie blogger i interesting how to try change new template, and yesterday when i blogwalking i found the new template from blogcrowds,
finally i using that simple template and easy to changes.
and then copy paste that template code or script, so i hope if you a master you must Share your favorite link for best template who like friendly for SEO.

4 komentar:

  1. kwangkxz says:

    Good article....

    Yes, blogcrowds offers many useful tools to provide us with the ultimate blogging experience.



  2. Unknown says:

    if you like to learn blogger template, then you can come to threelas

    you can learn many things on there.

  3. Anonim says:

    Sangat Membantu blognya...

    yang punya gedget android silahkan baca² di android-jambi.blogspot.com , sapa tau ada yang cocok

  4. actobosa says:

    pernah aku coba blogcrowds,, tp berhenti... harus dicoba lagi
